Visitor Feedback
Last updated on Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Below are real comments received from clients about readings. Names are not published to preserve client confidentiality.
I know I was guided to Mystic Lantern site. I first started out with the yes/no question. I anxiously waited for the reply from Sedra. I got it real fast too! I was so happy that it lead me to ask further in depth questions on the very same subject. Sedra shed SO much light on a very important situation to me. My experience with Sedra has released stress, and opened me up to more possibilities, and my creativity started to go through the roof again. I know I was divinely guided to her for many reasons; some I know now, and some to be revealed as time goes by. Many thanks and blessings for the service you provide for all of us that are guided to youThank you so much Sedra, you have made me very optimistic and happy! :) I will now wait and anticipate everything to hopefully unfold in the way you've foretold!
Once again, Sedra, you are hitting the nail on the head. There was a major, major friendship in my life that came to an end and it has been extremely hard for me to let go of it. But I know in my heart of hearts it's time to move on and to go our separate ways. I am starting to feel better about this, because I am now seeing that there were warning signs long, long before this friendship ended. As always, your advice is right on the money.
I'd like to just give thanks to sedra & all that she's helped me with since early 2014. I am a customer & her insights have helped me with quite a few things in my life for the better.
Oh, Sedra, what a beautiful reading regarding my soul mate. It is so obvious that you are not doing this simply for entertainment purposes or for the money. You told me how long I would have to wait for my soul mate, and I can wait. Yes, I can definitely wait that long. It will be worth it. Thank you for being here, sharing your mangnificent gift and making yourself available to all of us.
Hi there! Just to let you know your prediction was right on! Six months ago I was struggling - and still am, in a sense - but I see light at the end of the tunnel. New job offers (in translation), new prospects in music (as a singer), the world is a brand new place for me now! Thank you for your kind prediction! All the best!
Thank you for your help. I appreciate your honesty with answering my questions. You have been correct with each reading. I am happy to have found you, and I have turned to you for your insight for 2 years now. Thank you again!
Hi I just wanted to give you some feedback :) I got the free reading from you in October of 2013 that I would conceive within 4 months On March 1st 2014, I got my positive pregnancy test, which means I conceived in February..... Within the four months!!!!!
Sedra has been my advisor since 2004. When I first approached her, I was skeptical but still curious about what she had to say. I found that a lot of her readings do happen in time. She has guided me throughout a very rough relationship. At least 90% of what she predicted did happen after all. She is Honest and Kind and tells you exactly what she sees with no icing on the cake.
Sedra! YOU WERE RIGHT!!! It didn't make any sense what you said...and it didn't 10 years ago when you predicted my fiance & I would have a relationship. Now this man with blonde/hair you told me about recently has opened up to me late winter & we're talking now. You're amazing! Thank you!!
You are really good. You hit it on the money. You have been talking about me exercising for health. What is so strange about this is that I just started working out again in the beginning of the week.
I just want you to know that I think you are a very skilful medium. I also value your honesty very much, because I've felt that you are honest. So I think you'll be overburdened with work in the future.
Your answer to my reading was to walk in a wooden area and things would become clear. I broke down in tears there for no apparent reason. Your reading was 100% accurate. I broke up with my boyfriend AND was offered a job yesterday at approx. $7,000. more than they had advertised the position for. Thank you Sedra - you are truly amazing.
Thanks for your mail it came at just the right time on my birthday...I was thinking about what u told me b4 and I guess u heard my cry for help. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a wonderful caring person. Many Thanks. (If I lived close by I would bring u flowers)
You mentioned previously the letter V and I feel this is the man I'm now communicating with. This gives me great hope and I believe you are truly gifted and I appreciate all you've done for me. I know you are genuine just like a real life angel.
Thank you for the return advice you sent me. I do believe that was meant for me. I have not took that walk yet, but plan on it very soon....your message is much appreciated.
You gave me a wonderful face to face reading. I am adopted and have searched for my birth father for many years, with no success. To find out that he had passed was sad yet joyful at the same time. My only concern was that he knew that he had a daughter and a grand daughter as my mother never told him about me. I was happy to know that in passing he was able to meet me. Thank you for the gift that no one else has been able to give me.
Thank you so much! Yes there was a lady who passed away a few weeks ago. I miss (my dog) so much it is like a big piece of chunk taken out of me, and left me with a hole. , Thank you so much.
Thank you very much for helping me out on this. I appreciate it a lot!!! He does smile a lot and I do feel that he is the right one for me. And yes I have been waiting a very long time for love to come into my life. Hopefully a relationship will develop.